Perguruan Pencak Silat Mutiara Panca Rasa
Silat is a collective word for martial arts created in the Malay Archipelago and Malay Peninsula of Southeast Asia. Originally developed in what is now peninsular Malaysia, Indonesia, southern Thailand and Singapore, silat was also traditionally practiced in Brunei, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and the Philippines. As a result, it is closely related to other Southeast Asian martial arts including krabi krabong and eskrima. Practitioners are called pesilat.
Pentjak Silat Mutiara Panca Rasa is an Indonesian martial art and began originally as a weapons style of combat. Pentjak Silat has borrowed much from its nearby neighbours of India and China, blending those fighting styles into their own. The result was a style containing kicking and striking techniques mixed with a variety of weapons techniques.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sepuluh Butir Mutiara Dari Bapak Pembina Pencak Silat Presiden Kedua Republik Indonesia Muhammad Suharto
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thanh Hoa hosts 2010 Pencak Silat SEA champs
The 2010 Pencak Silat Southeast Asian championships will be held in the central province of Thanh Hoa from May 28 to June 4.
In 2008, Vietnam hosted the tournament for the first time at Tan Binh sports hall in Ho Chi Minh City and won the championship title with 13 golds, 5 silvers and 4 bronzes, followed by Malaysia and the Philippines.
In 2009, the Vietnamese team took 5 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals and retained the championship title.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Pencak Silat Warnai Piala Dunia
Aksi pencak silat Indonesia di festival Musamba, Pretoria, Kamis (10/6/2010), menyedot perhatian luas. Masyarakat berebut menyaksikan dan memotret aksinya.
Artikel Terkait:
Jumat, 11/6/2010 | 07:05 WIB
Laporan langsung wartawan, Hery Prasetyo, dari Afrika Selatan.
PRETORIA, — Masyarakat Pretoria, Afrika Selatan (Afsel), sempat kaget. Tiba-tiba dalam festival tahunan Musamba muncul dua atraksi baru dan menarik. Kedua atraksi itu adalah pencak silat dari Indonesia dan tarian suku Ovahimba dari Namibia.
Festival yang juga untuk memeriahkan Piala Dunia 2010 itu pun mendapat perhatian khusus. Dan, Indonesia ikut berperan memeriahkan pesta bola terakbar tersebut.
Musanda merupakan festival tahunan yang digelar di Pretoria. Khusus tahun ini, festival itu diramaikan secara besar-besaran, sekaligus untuk memeriahkan Piala Dunia 2010 di Afsel.
Selain ada karnaval dari Museum Pretoria ke Burger Park yang berjarak 5 km, juga dibuka stan-stan selama sebulan di Burger Park. Indonesia melalui KBRI di Pretoria juga membuka stan selama sebulan.
Dalam karnaval yang digelar di jalan-jalan kota, Kamis (10/6/2010), wakil Indonesia dan Namibia mendapat perhatian khusus. Sebab, mereka menyuguhkan aksi baru yang tak pernah ada sebelumnya.
Persatuan Masyarakat Indonesia (Permai) menampilkan 35 murid pencak silat. Sepanjang jalan, mereka sesekali memamerkan kebolehannya. Masyarakat Afsel pun menyambut gembira, bahkan selalu berebut memotretnya.
"Chinese kungfu, ha?" begitu reaksi masyarakat setempat. Mereka mengira silat asli Indonesia itu kungfu dari China. Namun, para pelatih dan staf kedutaan selalu menjelaskan kepada masyarakat bahwa ini pencak silat asal Indonesia.
"Good, Indonesia is good," komentar seorang penonton di jalan menuju Burger Park.
Pencak silat memang barang baru di Afsel. Menurut pelatih pencak silat Permai, Pri Harjono, perguruan pencak silat mulai dibuka di Johannesburg pada pertengahan Januari 2010. Perguruan dibuka di Bosmond Islamic School, Al Azhar Islamic School, dan Darul Ulum Zakaria.
"Pencak silat baru dipromosikan pada September 2009. Namun, antusias masyarakat Afsel sangat besar. Sampai sekarang, kami sudah memiliki 270 murid. Desember depan, kita sudah berani kirim wakil ke kejuaraan silat di Kalimantan Timur. Sebelumnya, Juli sampai September kita akan melakukan promosi di Cape Town," jelas Pri.
Dalam karnaval, kebetulan posisi Indonesia di belakang wakil dari Namibia. Negeri Afrika itu memamerkan kekhasan suku Ovahimba. Sebanyak 10 pria dan 2 wanita berdandan tradisional, hanya memakai pakaian bawah dan seluruh tubuh dilumuri air tanah liat.
Sepanjang jalan, mereka terus menari dan memamerkan nyanyian-nyanyian khas mereka. Para penonton yang menyaksikan mereka langsung terkesima. Apalagi, setelah itu disusul aksi pencak silat dari KBRI di Pretoria. Indonesia pun ikut mewarnai Piala Dunia 2010.
Editor: hpr
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Silat Riau Apa Kabar?
Banyak ahli sejarah menyatakan bahwa Pencak Silat pertama kali ditemukan di Riau pada jaman kerajaan Sriwijaya di abad VII walaupun dalam bentuk yang masih kasar. Seni beladiri Melayu ini kemudian menyebar ke seluruh wilayah kerajaan Sriwijaya, semenanjung Malaka, dan Pulau Jawa.
Namun keberadaan Pencak Silat baru tercatat dalam buku sastra pada abad XI. Dikatakan bahwa Datuk Suri Diraja dari Kerajaan Parahiyangan di kaki gunung Marapi, Minangkabau telah mengembangkan silat Minangkabau disamping bentuk kesenian lainnya. Silat Minangkabau ini kemudian menyebar ke daerah lain seiring dengan migrasi para perantau. Seni beladiri Melayu ini mencapai puncak kejayaannya pada jaman kerajaan Majapahit di abad XVI. Kerajaan Majapahit memanfaatkan pencak silat sebagai ilmu perang untuk memperluas wilayah teritorialnya.
Kerajaan Majapahit menguasai hampir seluruh wilayah Nusantara. Hanya kerajaan Priyangan di tanah Pasundan yang tidak dapat dikuasai penuh oleh Kerajaan Majapahit. Tentara kerajaan Priyangan ini terkenal akan kehebatan pencak silatnya. Karena wilayahnya yang terisolir, dan terbatasnya pengaruh Majapahit, seni beladiri kerajaan Priyangan hampir tidak mendapat pengaruh dari silat Minangkabau. Pencak silat priyangan ini terkenal dengan nama Cimande.
Para ahli sejarah dan kalangan pendekar pada umumnya sepakat bahwa berbagai aliran Pencak Silat yang berkembang dewasa ini, bersumber dari dua gaya yang berasal dari Sumatra Barat dan Jawa Barat.
Satu pertanyaan bagi kita adalah kemana hilangnya pencak silat Riau?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ketua Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antar Bangsa (PERSILAT), Mayor Jenderal Purnawirawan (Pur) Eddie M Nalapraya, meminta pemerintah deklarasikan pencak silat sebagai olahraga asli Indonesia
JAKARTA--MI: Ketua Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antar Bangsa (PERSILAT), Mayor Jenderal Purnawirawan (Pur) Eddie M Nalapraya, meminta pemerintah deklarasikan pencak silat sebagai olahraga asli Indonesia.
"Pemerintah juga hendaknya memperjuangkan pencak silat dapat dipertandingkan pada tingkat Asian Games dan Olimpiade," kata Eddie Nalapraya, di Jakarta, Sabtu (16/5). Selain itu, pemerintah juga diharapkan dapat menjadikan pencak silat sebagai olahraga yang menarik dan digemari oleh masyarakat dunia. Dengan dideklarasikan menjadi olahraga asli Indonesia, menurut dia, maka pencak silat akan menjadi sebuah olahraga yang memiliki nilai lebih dibandingkan dengan cabang lainnya.
"Melihat kondisi politik saat ini, kami mengingatkan kembali agar para fungsional PB Ikatan Pencak silat Indonesia (IPSI) sekarang untuk tidak melupakan cita-cita para pendiri IPSI," kata mantan Wagub DKI Jakarta periode 1998-2003 itu. Pemerintah diharapkan mampu mempersatukan dan membina seluruh perguruan, melestarikan dan mengembangkan pencak silat beserta nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya.
Selain itu, kata Eddie, juga menjadikan pencak silat sebagai sarana pembangunan bangsa dan watak (Nation and Character building) dan tidak terlibat politik praktis. Diharapkan semangat dan kebersamaan yang dicita-citakan oleh pendiri silat dapat dipelihara dengan, baik bahkan kalau perlu ditingkatkan," ujar Eddie Nalapraya yang sewaktu masih menjabat Ketua Harian PB IPSI memprakarsai PERSILAT. Ia kembali berharap dukungan dan peran aktif pemerintah serta swasta dalam membina pencak silat, khususnya dukungan dana. (Ant/OL-02)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Perguruan Pentjak Silat Mutiara Panca Rasa-Riau
Welcome to our Site: Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarakatuhh...... Martial Arts: Pentjak Silat (Pencak Silat)..... Pentjak Silat is an Indonesian martial art and began originally as a weapons style of combat. Pentjak Silat has borrowed much from its nearby neighbours of India and China, blending those fighting styles into their own. The result was a style containing kicking and striking techniques mixed with a variety of weapons techniques. Pencak Silat Amongst the thousands of Indonesian islands, there are hundreds of schools of Pentjak Silat, each with their own identity. Some of these also teach the arts of magic, healing and mystic powers. Origin of Pentjak Silat: Indonesia Pentjak Silat founded: Approximately 1,000 years ago THE BIOGRAPHY OF SELF-DEFENCE SYSTEM INSTITUTION “MUTIARA PANCA RASA" Came from the kingdom of “SIAK SRI INDRAPURA” KING MAHMUD PASSED AWAY IN THE CARRYING (A FOLKLORE), A SHORTE STORY. RENARATED BY: THE DESCENDANT OF SIAK SRI INDRAPURA KINGDOM IN THE RIAU PROVINCE, PEKAN BARU, TENGKU FUAD ALZAKIYAT AZHAR, PROFESSOR AND THE FOUNDER OF SELF-DEFENCE SYSTEM “MUTIARA PANCA RASA” (THE PEARL OF FIVE SENSES). Around the 12 Century after the birth of Jesus Christ, the Islam religion spread into the Malacca Peninsula, Aceh, East Sumatra, Riau and other regions. So it happened, KING MAHMUD reigned the kingdom of SIAK SRI INDRAPURA. The Commanders of the Kingdom were two brothers who had a super natural power were; they were namely Commander MEGAT SRI RAMA (the older brother) who was Hinduism and Com-mander WAHAB (the younger brother) who was a Moslem. It was said, Sultan Mahmud (a Moslem), in his life was a king who had a super natural power, he was respected by his people and his enemies were afraid of him. The King was invulnerable to any weapon when his feet were on the ground. He was able to walk on the surface of a river, sea and he rode a tiger. Until nowadays, the Siak Sri Indrapura people call the said animal “Tengkes Tiger” “Tengkes Tiger” means a tiger that has a crippled rear left leg. As it is narrated, the said tiger once had done wrong to the king and that The King punished it by beating its rear left leg and then crippled. The tiger is always able to be seen by the people who have a supernatural power in the anniversary coronation of the following Kings. It iss said that the tiger is crying because it remember its master. The tiger is also often seen in the tomb of Sultan Mahmud located in Kampong Gasip, around 5 kilometers from Siak Sri Indrapura. This was the beginning of the origin of the science of the SELF-DEFENCE SYSTEM INSTITUTION “MUTIARA PANCA RASA” (The pearl of Five Senses), which include: ‘Cimande’, ‘Cikalong’, ‘Sahbandar’, ‘Kari–Madi’ and also ‘Debus’ which have been modified according to the present requirements yet their originality is still preserved as well as the Betawi and other sciences from other parts of Java blended together into THE TOP ELEVEN STEPS. Step I : No power and strength shall not be formed, So help me God the Almighty and Glorious Step II : May God forgive me. Step III: In the name of God the Almighty Step IV: Praise to God Step V : Praise be unto Thee Almighty Step VI: God is Holly and Blessed Mohammad and his family Step VII: Good Heavens Step VIII: God is Great Step IX: There is no God but Allah Step X: We are truly Allah’s and to Him we return Step XI: God Willing Praise to God, upon Hi will, on 16 February 1974 Raden Tien Suhartini Binti Raden Atmawijaya, had become the beloved wife of Tengku Fuad Alzakiyat Azhar. In the relationship of love of both teenager, it generated two children having the Champion blood, they were: 1. Raden Esa Panji Haruman 2. Raden Rangga Padma Negara Next, exactly when Tengku Fuad Alzakiyat Azhar was already 40 years old, he got MANDATE from his Father in Siak Land, Riau, Datuk Panglima Bahroem Azhar, he spoke (in apparition): “HEY MY BELOVED SON SI ALANG FUAD, BEFORE GOD PICK ME UP TO RETURN INTO GOD’S LAP, I WISH YOU TO DEVELOP THE ANCESTOR’S SCIENCE AS YOUR PIETY TO THE FELLOW PEOPLE, BEFORE GOD PICK YOU UP ONTO GOD’S LAP”. Praise to God, upon God’s will and will of God, exactly on 25 June 1989, THE SELF-DEFENCE SYSTEM INSTITUTION OF “MUTIARA PANCA RASA” was inaugurated by the Executive Board of IPSI Bekasi Branch, followed by the Executive Board of IPSI DKI Jakarta and of IPSI in other provinces. Those Institutions still exist until now. Thus the Self-Defence System Institution “Mutiara Panca Rasa” has grown rapidly, starting with 50 learners of various races, and Praise to God now the number of the learners has already reached to more than 5000 in the whole regions of Indonesia, besides several numbers of branches in the foreign countries such as Turkey, Japan, and the Philippines. Thus that is the brief autobiography of the adaptor, Father Tengku Fuad Alzakiyat Azhar, who is also the Founder and Professor of the Self-Defense System Institution “Mutiara Panca Rasa”. [end]
Friday, April 23, 2010
What Is Pencak Silat..?
Pencak silat is nothing more than a blanket term for those indigenous martial arts. That is to say, that there are many different styles of pencak silat and many different emphases within those styles.
Historically, it has been accepted that the various originating regions had particular physical characteristics and today that is largely still true, though to say that the variety is great is probably an understatement. In addition, the great variety of styles has been further increased by the constant influence of Indian, Chinese, and Japanese systems, not to mention the cross-pollination of the various styles within the indigenous regions themselves.
All that to say, that pencak silat is typically considered a complete martial art by those who practice it - though the degree to which that is true may depend on too many factors to rationally consider. In any case, pencak silat practitioners often utilize the following methods: evasion, striking, kicking, locking, throwing, ground fighting, weapons, spiritual, and societal training.
That said pencak silat is often viewed as a martial art that focuses on the use of weapons, and in particular, bladed weapons. I personally have not seen an exception to this and as a result, it is often said, "that without the knife there is no silat."
What is often difficult to do is to define what is pencak silat. With such a wide variety of influences, and breadth of styles it is a task few would take on. However, most silat practitioners can recognize pencak silat when they see it. This is because it does have characteristics that are not found to the same degree or with the same combination of influences as they are found within pencak silat.
One of those characteristics is the consistent use of "baiting" through the use of Sikap Pasang or Welcoming Postures. They do not look the same from art to art but often, within pencak silat, it is the use of "baiting" as a method for expression of beauty and gracefulness that is noticed. In addition, in concert with the fluidity of movement, changes of tempo, constant changes of height, and wave-like energy, that no other martial art does similarly. The degree to which that it is apparent or different appears to be the degree to which the particular system of pencak silat has been influenced by external martial arts such as, kung fu, karate, tae kwon do, judo, jujitsu, etc. Additionally, regional influences do exist, not to mention the influences and desires of a given teacher to express those aspects.
An example, of a regional difference is the footwork of some West Javanese systems, which tend not to pick up the feet, but rather to prefer almost sliding the foot across the ground. In direct contrast, a Sumatran system may pick up the foot, raising the heel as though kicking behind, before stepping.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Ikatan pencak Silat Indonesia (IPSI)
Sampai saat ini belum ada naskah atau himmpunan mengenai sejarah pembelaan diri bangsa Indonesia yang disusun secara alamiah dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan serta menjadi sumber bagi pengembangan yang lebih teratur. Hanya secara turun temurun dan bersifat pribadi atau kelompok latar belakang dan sejarah pembelaan diri inti dituturkan. Sifat-sifat ketertutupan karena dibentuk oleh zaman penjajahan di masa lalu merupakan hambatan pengembangan di mana kini kita yang menuntut keterbukaan dan pemassalan yang lebih luas.
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai IPSI silahkan kunjungi website resmi Ipsi di alamat berikut:
Monday, March 15, 2010
Roh Pencak Silat Ada pada Perguruan
Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009 | 04:13 WIB
Mekarsari, Kompas - Selama ini pembinaan seni dari pencak silat kurang dapat perhatian. Pembinaan yang dilakukan Pengurus Besar Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia lebih banyak terpusat pada olahraga prestasinya. Padahal, roh dari pencak silat itu ada pada perguruan.
”Itu sebabnya, di Jambore Seni Pencak Silat Indonesia I-2009 ini merupakan tempat apresiasi bagi semua perguruan pencak silat untuk menampilkan jurus-jurus terbaik mereka yang diramu dengan seni budayanya,” kata Eddie Marzuki Nalapraya, Presiden Persekutuan Pencak Silat Antarbangsa (Persilat), sebelum pembukaan Jambore Seni Pencak Silat Indonesia (JSPSI) I-2009, Jumat (17/7) malam.
JSPSI I-2009 dibuka resmi oleh Tunas Dwidharto, selaku Deputi Peningkatan Prestasi dan Iptek Olahraga, Kementerian Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga, di Taman Wisata Mekarsari, Ciulengsi, Bogor, Jawa Barat.
Hingga Jumat (17/7) petang, diketahui peserta JSPSI I-2009 mencapai 1.000 pesilat dari 52 perguruan pencak silat (PPS) se-Indonesia dan bakal berlangsung hingga Minggu (19/7).
Beberapa PPS yang tercatat, antara lain, adalah Pusaka Cinta Wargi Putra dari Tanjungkerta, Sumedang; Putra Betawi Poltangan; PPSI Sumedang; PPS Mutiara Panca Rasa; KPS Nusantara; dan Perisai Diri.
Menurut Eddie yang sudah lebih dari 31 tahun membina pencak silat, seni pencak silat merupakan salah satu daya tarik bagi pemuda-pemuda asing untuk mempelajari seni ilmu bela diri tradisional asal Indonesia itu.
”Itu sebabnya, dalam pembinaan dan pengembangan pencak silat, kita tidak bisa hanya menitikberatkan pada prestasi olahraganya saja, tetapi juga harus mengangkat seni ilmu bela dirinya sehingga kekayaan dari tiap-tiap perguruan akan terus berkembang,” kata Eddie.
Sebelum acara pembukaan JSPSI I-2009, dibacakan kesepakatan para pendekar dari semua perguruan yang ambil bagian. Dua butir yang penting adalah mereka minta agar pemerintah segera membuat hak paten atas seni bela diri pencak silat.
Menteri Pendidikan Nasional serta Menteri Negara Pemuda dan Olahraga juga diminta untuk memasukkan pencak silat sebagai olahraga wajib dari tingkat sekolah dasar hingga perguruan tinggi.
Menanggapi harapan tersebut, Tunas Dwidharto menegaskan bahwa kesepakatan itu bakal disampaikan agar segera dilaksanakan. ”Sebab, pencak silat adalah satu-satunya seni bela diri khas bangsa kita,” katanya.
Hayono Isman, yang merupakan ketua panitia, berharap agar para pendekar, melalui JSPSI I-2009, bisa menjadi teladan di lingkungan mereka. (NIC)
Friday, February 26, 2010

Bertitik tolak dari sisi dan jiwa amanat sang guru kepada putranya yaitu Tengku Fuad Al – Zakiyat Azhar di suatu senja latihan. Berbekal ilmu pencak silat & agama yang diperoleh langsung dari guru – gurunya dan setelah mendapat mandat secara gaib ( berupa bayang bayang ) dari ayahandanya Datuk Panglima Bahroem Azhar, yang isinya iyalah :
“ ……. Saat ini aku merasa ada harapan meneruskan ilmu yang kumiliki ini kepadamu. Akan tetapi bukan berarti sampai di sini tugasmu ! Mulai saat ini kita harus memberanikan diri mengamalkan ilmu tersebut demi kepentingan orang banyak.
Artinya, ilmu ini tidak hanya diturunkan kepada keluarga saja, melainkan dikembangkan juga untuk kepentingan masyarakat ….. “
Sejak itu, disusunlah suatu bentuk organisasi yang merupakan wadah keanggotaan dengan nama Perguruan Pencak Silat MUTIARA PANCA RASA , dengan Doktrin Perguruan yaitu MUTIARA PANCA RASA, yang merupakan kepanjangan dari :
Menyerang Tanpa Tentara
Berperang Tanpa Senjata
Menang Tanpa Pujian
Berjuang Lillahi Taa’lla
Yang maknanya iyalah : Jadilah dirimu Engkau adalah dirimu sendiri. Dan takut kepada ALLAH, selalu
Waspada serta ingat “ Diatas Langit Masih Ada Langit “
Artinya : “ Kalau Ada Orang Yang Mengaku Pandai Masih Ada Orang Yang Lebih Pandai lagi “.
Adapun materi pelajaran PPS Mutiara Panca Rasa, meliputi seluruh teknik belaan maupun serangan . Unsur belaan antara lain hindaran dan tangkisan. Serangan terdiri dari pukulan dengan berbagai variasinya, berbagai macam tendangan, jatuhan, bantingan dan kuncian dll. Selain itu juga diajarkan Pencak Silat Seni tradisional. Ini merupakan salah satu kelebihan yang di miliki Pencak Silat Mutiara Panca Rasa.
Melukiskan Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia, Pancasila.
Bentuk posisi kokoh seorang pesilat 5T yang bergerak bebas berputar tidak habis langkah dan akal Dilhami dari gerak tari rumpun melayu yang berasal dari asli indonesia
Merupakan suatu wadah, sarana & prasarana untuk mengembang bakat bagi pecinta pencak silat Indonesia
Melukiskan semangat perjuangan, kepahlawanan, semangat pembangunan yang bersatu serta gotong royong yang seluruhannya dimaktubkan dengan tangan yang halus terkandung saling asah, asih dan asuh serta teguh, gagah berani dan suci siap segala cobaan dan godaan serta setia kepada perguruan.
Lambang akan cinta, perdamaian dan ketinggian suatu keilmuan atau ilmu gerak tubuh manusia, walaupun dicari orang mahal dan jauh didasar laut sekalipun
Melukiskan kebenaran atas dasar kesucian, merupakan singkatan dari “ Menyerang Tanpa Tentara, Berperang tanpa Senjata, Menang Tanpa Pujian Berjuang Lillahi Ta’ala “.
To investigate the existence and origin of the self-defence system institution”Mutiara Panca Rasa” it feels like following the foot steps of the very important and long historical links.
Beginning with the spirit of the message of the teacher to his son, Tengku Fuad Al Zakiyat Azhar during the late afternoon practices. Supplied with the science of self-defence and religion directly taught by his teachers and after receiving the message mysteriously (in apparition) from his father Datuk Pang lima Bahroem Azhar, which said:
“……Right now I have a hope to continue the science I have to you. But it does not mean that your duty ends up here! Starting from now, we have to encourage ourselves to apply the science for the advantages and interest of the public, meaning, the science shall not only be taught to our families but be taught to and developed for the public …..”
Since then, an organization was established as a coordinating institution and was named after self-defence system institution “MUTIARA PANCA RASA”, with the doctrine that represent the meanings as follows:
To attack with no troops
To fight with no weapons
To win with no praise
To struggle solely because of God
The doctrine has other meanings too respectively:
Be yourself, you are is what you are and be afraid of God, Always be Allert and remember : Above the sky there is always another higher sky meaning if there is some one says tht he is smart there is always somebody else that is smarter.
As for the subject matters of self-defence system institute “Mutiara Panca Rasa” include the whole techniques of defence and attacks. The elements of the defence among others are dodging – warding off.
Attack constitutes of the blow with some variations, various kicks, and techniques of falling, throwing down and lockings. In addition, traditional self defence system is also tught. This a kind of an advantage owned by the self defence system institution”Mutiara Panca Rasa”.
Illustrates the foundation of the state of the republic of Indonesia, Pancasila. The strong figure of a 5T self-defence fighter in moving around freely, having inexhaustible steps and not being at the end of his wit is inspired by the Malay dance movement of Indo-nesian origin
Is a container, means and infrastructure to build up the talent of Indonesian self-defence lover.
Is the illustrations of a fighting spirit, heroism, development spirit, mutual cooperation which are represented in a soft hand having the philosophical meaning of teaching, caring and loving each other and being strong, brave, pure ready to fight ordeals and temptation and loyal to the institution.
A symbol of love, peace, and the highest science or the science of human body movements, although pearl lays deep down in the sea bed yet man always seek for it because of its higher value
Illustrates the truth on the basis of purity and represents the meaning of: to attack with no troops, to fight with no weapons, to win with no praise and to struggle solely because of God.
Contact Information:
Phone: 0218475944
Current Address:
Komp Kodau V Ambarapura Jl.Dieng No.11A
Bekasi, Indonesia.
Official Website:
Milist to:
E-mail to:
Menulusuri keberadaan dan asal – usul perguruan Pencak Silat Mutiara Panca Rasa, seakan menapak suatu mata rantai sejarah yang teramat penting dan panjang.
Bertitik tolak dari sisi dan jiwa amanat sang guru kepada putranya yaitu Tengku Fuad Al – Zakiyat Azhar di suatu senja latihan. Berbekal ilmu pencak silat & agama yang diperoleh langsung dari guru – gurunya dan setelah mendapat mandat secara gaib ( berupa bayang bayang ) dari ayahandanya Datuk Panglima Bahroem Azhar, yang isinya iyalah :
“ ……. Saat ini aku merasa ada harapan meneruskan ilmu yang kumiliki ini kepadamu. Akan tetapi bukan berarti sampai di sini tugasmu ! Mulai saat ini kita harus memberanikan diri mengamalkan ilmu tersebut demi kepentingan orang banyak.
Artinya, ilmu ini tidak hanya diturunkan kepada keluarga saja, melainkan dikembangkan juga untuk kepentingan masyarakat ….. “
Sejak itu, disusunlah suatu bentuk organisasi yang merupakan wadah keanggotaan dengan nama Perguruan Pencak Silat MUTIARA PANCA RASA , dengan Doktrin Perguruan yaitu MUTIARA PANCA RASA, yang merupakan kepanjangan dari :
Menyerang Tanpa Tentara
Berperang Tanpa Senjata
Menang Tanpa Pujian
Berjuang Lillahi Taa’lla
Yang maknanya iyalah : Jadilah dirimu Engkau adalah dirimu sendiri. Dan takut kepada ALLAH, selalu
Waspada serta ingat “ Diatas Langit Masih Ada Langit “
Artinya : “ Kalau Ada Orang Yang Mengaku Pandai Masih Ada Orang Yang Lebih Pandai lagi “.
Adapun materi pelajaran PPS Mutiara Panca Rasa, meliputi seluruh teknik belaan maupun serangan . Unsur belaan antara lain hindaran dan tangkisan. Serangan terdiri dari pukulan dengan berbagai variasinya, berbagai macam tendangan, jatuhan, bantingan dan kuncian dll. Selain itu juga diajarkan Pencak Silat Seni tradisional. Ini merupakan salah satu kelebihan yang di miliki Pencak Silat Mutiara Panca Rasa.
Melukiskan Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia, Pancasila.
Bentuk posisi kokoh seorang pesilat 5T yang bergerak bebas berputar tidak habis langkah dan akal Dilhami dari gerak tari rumpun melayu yang berasal dari asli indonesia
Merupakan suatu wadah, sarana & prasarana untuk mengembang bakat bagi pecinta pencak silat Indonesia
Melukiskan semangat perjuangan, kepahlawanan, semangat pembangunan yang bersatu serta gotong royong yang seluruhannya dimaktubkan dengan tangan yang halus terkandung saling asah, asih dan asuh serta teguh, gagah berani dan suci siap segala cobaan dan godaan serta setia kepada perguruan.
Lambang akan cinta, perdamaian dan ketinggian suatu keilmuan atau ilmu gerak tubuh manusia, walaupun dicari orang mahal dan jauh didasar laut sekalipun
Melukiskan kebenaran atas dasar kesucian, merupakan singkatan dari “ Menyerang Tanpa Tentara, Berperang tanpa Senjata, Menang Tanpa Pujian Berjuang Lillahi Ta’ala “.
To investigate the existence and origin of the self-defence system institution”Mutiara Panca Rasa” it feels like following the foot steps of the very important and long historical links.
Beginning with the spirit of the message of the teacher to his son, Tengku Fuad Al Zakiyat Azhar during the late afternoon practices. Supplied with the science of self-defence and religion directly taught by his teachers and after receiving the message mysteriously (in apparition) from his father Datuk Pang lima Bahroem Azhar, which said:
“……Right now I have a hope to continue the science I have to you. But it does not mean that your duty ends up here! Starting from now, we have to encourage ourselves to apply the science for the advantages and interest of the public, meaning, the science shall not only be taught to our families but be taught to and developed for the public …..”
Since then, an organization was established as a coordinating institution and was named after self-defence system institution “MUTIARA PANCA RASA”, with the doctrine that represent the meanings as follows:
To attack with no troops
To fight with no weapons
To win with no praise
To struggle solely because of God
The doctrine has other meanings too respectively:
Be yourself, you are is what you are and be afraid of God, Always be Allert and remember : Above the sky there is always another higher sky meaning if there is some one says tht he is smart there is always somebody else that is smarter.
As for the subject matters of self-defence system institute “Mutiara Panca Rasa” include the whole techniques of defence and attacks. The elements of the defence among others are dodging – warding off.
Attack constitutes of the blow with some variations, various kicks, and techniques of falling, throwing down and lockings. In addition, traditional self defence system is also tught. This a kind of an advantage owned by the self defence system institution”Mutiara Panca Rasa”.
Illustrates the foundation of the state of the republic of Indonesia, Pancasila. The strong figure of a 5T self-defence fighter in moving around freely, having inexhaustible steps and not being at the end of his wit is inspired by the Malay dance movement of Indo-nesian origin
Is a container, means and infrastructure to build up the talent of Indonesian self-defence lover.
Is the illustrations of a fighting spirit, heroism, development spirit, mutual cooperation which are represented in a soft hand having the philosophical meaning of teaching, caring and loving each other and being strong, brave, pure ready to fight ordeals and temptation and loyal to the institution.
A symbol of love, peace, and the highest science or the science of human body movements, although pearl lays deep down in the sea bed yet man always seek for it because of its higher value
Illustrates the truth on the basis of purity and represents the meaning of: to attack with no troops, to fight with no weapons, to win with no praise and to struggle solely because of God.
Contact Information
Contact Information
Phone: 021-8475944
Current Address:
Komp Kodau V Ambarapura Jl.Dieng No.11A
Bekasi, Indonesia
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